Being consistent and up to date

One of the critical gaps among NGOs who otherwise provide quality service delivery on ground to the community at large is the lack of appreciation and effort in building and showcasing of institutional capacity. As a result, donors and stakeholders are challenged in working with the NGO players at scale and consistently over long periods.  

This is all the more essential since most compliances in the not for profit sector has become online and faceless. 

Sector players primarily NGOs find it difficult to reach out for quality professional learning and education with the result that institutional capacity does not get built adequately. 

Building and strengthening institutional capability is an integral part of Saathi’s approach since only through capacity building both around statutory and donor compliance will the trust in the NGO sector get strengthened. 

Saathi would organise paid and pro bono short courses on statutory and regulatory issues, finance, grants etc to facilitate learning and education for NGOs and NGO staff and follow up through refresher webinars and educational events  both virtual and physical so that NGOs are able to keep themselves updated with fast changing statutory and regulatory landscape in the country. 

Saathi would also facilitate capacity building of donors more particularly CSR donors for a better understanding of nuances and perspective of not for profit sector and also provide information around compliances related to the  social sector to calibrate expectations of donors and NGOs for smooth functioning and relationship.