Partnerships for the greater good

Saathi understands the need for customized services in bringing credible NGOs and donors together to ensure better efficacy and efficiency of development and social investments made by these donors. 

This would be possible if the interface between the supplier of project funds i.e. donors and the recipients of project funds i.e. NGOs is facilitated and catalyzed to yield long term sustainable relationship and outcomes for such development work. 

Building a hub/virtual exchange/meeting platform for NGOs and potential donors provides for the right intersection for demand and supply of funds. 

Saathi’s services here include

  1. Mapping of donors and their current investment for social development work more specifically in Rajasthan
  2. Making credible NGOs and organisations available to these donors  synchronising with the thematic areas and geography they wish to serve
  3. Match donor expectations with institutional and programmatic capability of NGOs for service delivery and
  4. Facilitate funding proposals preparation, pitch and contract closure. New instruments and methods of funding i.e.  social stock exchange instruments, Impact bonds  etc would be explored and brought to the sector players in the state.