Fostering Partnerships For Social Good

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Rajasthan has historically been a land of chivalry and sacrifice. The community and its interests has always been center stage in all areas  of  social development work. Besides CSR, family businesses and ultra HNIs belonging to Rajasthan are a potential source for giving tremendous momentum for the development works in order that the state achieves Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

However, funding and fund worthy organizations is posing as a major challenge for the development sector. CSR funding in state of Rajasthan has been dwindling at under Rs.650 cr in 2020-21 and funding from other donor categories needs to be strengthened.

What does this sector need?

The not-for-profit sector lacks some critical capabilities. These include:

  1. Institutional capacity: Organizations in the sector maybe good on ground, however, there is need for understanding and guided effort for positioning as a go to organization. There is need for showcasing worthy organizations and their leadership as trustworthy and compliant organizations. 
  2. Fund raising capacity: Medium and small NGOs are unable to both identify potential donors and pitch to them for funding because they lack such skill sets significantly
  3. Compliance capacity: this is an existential risk and increasingly challenging specially since the regulatory and statutory landscape in the country is both digital and faceless.

On the donor side, the following issues may need to be addressed:

  1. Barriers to working with and supporting not for profits.
  2. Understanding and appreciation of the compliance and regulatory framework for non-profits.
  3. Meeting the increased requirements for corporates to comply with provisions of section 135 and Companies CSR Rules

Need for Saathi

To bridge this gap between Donor and Not for Profits, Saathi Development is born.

Saathi, as a professional consulting firm in Rajasthan, can catalyze development through providing multi-dimensional services both to the not for profits and donors.  Saathi Development Services LLP has been created to serve and fill the gaps and thereby help both the not for profits and donors to streamline the donor donnee relationship, improve quality in all its dimensions and instil trust among both stakeholders.

Who do Saathi Primarily Serve?

NGOs Working in Rajasthan

Saathi would curate a duly validated database of not for profits in Rajasthan which are funding ready.  These NGOs will be provided hand holding support for their fund-raising efforts, strengthening their institutional capacity, supporting them on documentation, risks and controls strategies.

Donors supporting Philanthropy in Rajasthan

Saathi would collaborate with donors undertaking philanthropy in Rajasthan.  This would be done through showcasing accredited NGOs,  acting as a conduit between NGOs and donors for identifying areas of work, geographical focus, priority interventions, supporting documentation and reporting and audits and assurance of implementing partners.

The Rajasthan Junction for Charities and Philanthropies

To this end, our approach is four pronged christened as RAJASTHAN JUNCTION FOR CHARITIES AND PHILANTHROPIES.  We propose to take up social sector aggregation and ecosystem improvement services using the 4 limbs below to address the challenges faced by both not for profits and donors in the state of Rajasthan.