Fostering Partnerships For Social Good

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Our Services

Who do Saathi Primarily Serve?

NGOs Working in Rajasthan

Saathi would curate a duly validated database of not for profits in Rajasthan which are funding ready.  These NGOs will be provided hand holding support for their fund-raising efforts, strengthening their institutional capacity, supporting them on documentation, risks and controls strategies.

Donors supporting Philanthropy in Rajasthan

Saathi would collaborate with donors undertaking philanthropy in Rajasthan.  This would be done through showcasing accredited NGOs,  acting as a conduit between NGOs and donors for identifying areas of work, geographical focus, priority interventions, supporting documentation and reporting and audits and assurance of implementing partners.

Our 4 pillars of Services

To bridge the gap between Donor and Not for Profits, Saathi Development is born.

We propose to take up social sector aggregation services working on 4 limbs to address the challenges faced by both not for profits and donors in the state of Rajasthan.

1. Validation and certification platform

Database of accredited NGOs in Rajasthan targeting a small percentage of the total universe. These organisations would be evaluated and aggregated data for such organisations would be made readily available on an online platform. This service could also be provided to donors in terms of pre award due diligence. Read More..

2. Match making platform

Building a hub/virtual exchange/meeting place for NGOs and potential donors demand and supply of funds. This includes (a) mapping of donors and their current investment for social development work in Rajasthan (b) making credible organizations available to these donors considering areas of work and geography and (c) match donor expectations with institutional and programmatic capability of NGOs for delivery (d) prepare and pitch funding proposals and facilitate contract closure. New instruments and methods of funding i.e.  social stock exchange instruments, Impact bonds  etc would be explored and brought to the sector players in the state. Read More…

3. Learning & Development (L&D) platform

Building institutional strength through Compliance capacity building both on statutory compliance and donor compliance. Also facilitate capacity building of CSR donors for better understanding of nuances and perspective of NPO sector. Read More…

4. Compliance and assurance platform

Various services like compliance with laws of the land both for not for profits and CSR and undertaking audits and assurance and related value added services. Read More…